Kuo Ying Hsiu The Art Project of Body
My name is Kuo Ying Hsiu, based in Taiwan. I'm a Artist, I guess.
我是郭盈秀,(也許是個) 藝術家,現居台灣。
This is a project which is finding the “body” back.
2009-2016 Painting Collections 畫作作品集
Painting in Barcelona(2013), Taiwan(2009-2016), Ladakh(2016)
2015 《The Door》Experiment Film, Taipei, Taiwan 實驗影像《門》
In this “social experiment” photography project, my aim was to discuss the relationship between landscape and self-identity. Once here, the Taipei Guandu train station has now gone. Through conversation with local people, I started to imagine the past and invited people to reimagine the future. I built a door, located it in Guandu and observed people, and their reactions, as they passed by. “If we don’t know our history, how would we be able to reach the future?” Guando local people, Mr.Wang.
Title: The Door
Artist: Kuo YIng Hsiu
Length: 4'00''
Year: 2015
2014 Photography Project in Xī luó, Taiwan 攝影計畫《濁水溪》
2014年,西螺駐村期間發現母親河濁水溪沙漠化現象,透過紀實攝影紀錄。作品發表於 雲林西螺老街 72 Art 藝術空間。
In 2013, during the artist residency in Xiluo’s village, Taiwan. I record the phenomenon of desertification of the mother river through documentary photography.
Photography Project Title: Lô-tsuí-khue
Photographer: Kuo Ying Hsiu
Location: Xiluo’s village, Taiwan
Year: 2014
2013 Experimental Documentary 實驗紀錄短片《華光是家 你拆我扛》
2013年我前往拍攝台北華光社區「華光是家 你拆我扛」遊行紀錄。華光社區離我們一點都不遠,它就像每一個我們生活的過去,生活的社區,童年的回憶。看著華光社區逐漸銷毀催逝。快要被高樓大廈取代。私乎也預知台灣的未來,終將走上一條只為錢不為民的路。認識華光社區不久後,曾途經的暗夜怪手,一次一次的拆掉最後的防線與希望。我希望可以透過紀錄與敘述它的遭遇與不捨。
名稱:華光是家 你拆我扛
This is a Protest Demonstration of Hua Kuang In Taipei, Taiwan. Hua Kuang (華光), a historical community in Taipei, Taiwan, is now facing a threat of being torn down on or after Feb 24, 2013 due to the government’s outrageous land policy. So far, the local authority has neither clear land development plan nor appropriate arrangement to help settle down the current residents who have lived there for around 40-50 years and some even 60 years or more. A large number of them inherited the properties from their ancestors long before the current republic established its rule in the area. As a matter of fact, the housing structures have existed in this land since the Japanese occupation.
Title: More Than A House
Director: Kuo Ying Hsiu
Length: 8'27''
Year: 2013
2015 《A MA》Experimental Documentary 實驗紀錄短片《阿嬤》
I visited my grandma (90 years old) stay alone during day time. It was one day we being together, with another nursing assistant who came to grandma's home every day for one hour. I tried to record something we treat it as regards. My past works focus on the social interaction. This video tells about the interaction between grandma and i, it shows the influence of Alzheimer's disease. Because of the disease and disable, my grandma is very lonely. I hope people can notice the problem by my work.
Title: A MA
Director: Kuo Ying Hsiu
Length: 18'09‘’
Year: 2015
2014 [ Inclusion ] Photography Project in Barcelona 巴塞隆納攝影計畫 [Inclusion]
『因為離開家,才知道家的形狀』。身處巴塞隆納時,透過作品與場域、人群對話。2013年底,旅居巴塞隆納期間,進行一個攝影錄像計畫-[ Inclusion ],攝影場域為巴塞隆納當地,此攝影之雕塑物件由紙箱、壁紙與油畫筆所形成。此作品用意為形塑台灣居處於世界未明位置。當我抵達巴塞隆納期間,我發現許多地方正積極爭取獨立,如加泰隆尼亞和蘇格蘭等地。除了訪談當的青年對於加泰隆尼亞獨立議題想法,我回過頭思考台灣主權,並引發我進行以雕塑暗喻台灣未明處境,於巴塞隆納歌德區等地進行攝影創作,透過雕塑與當地人互動,認知其反應。透過此作品拍攝與展出開啟對話與想像。作品發表於 2013年12月 地點 巴塞隆納 Estudio Nómada 工作室
攝影計畫名稱:[ Inclusion ]
During a 3 months residency in Barcelona, I created the metaphorical photography project [Inclusion] which articulates “situations” in Taiwan in relation to the world. Travel to this region was a personal turning point as it highlighted the similar challenges of “communities” striving for an independent voice. Receiving highly credible reviews, [Inclusion] was part of a group exhibition in Estudio Nómada, Barcelona, 2013.
Photography Project Title: [ Inclusion ]
Photographer: Kuo Ying Hsiu
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2013